Fraud & Ethics Hotline

Have a concern about insurance fraud or unethical behaviour?

This reporting service is intended for reporting suspected fraud or unethical behaviour. Please note that fraud is different from a dispute, inquiry, or complaint you may have. For general or service-related inquiries not involving fraud, please click here. 
If you are an employee, customer, shareholder, or other interested party who perceives or has evidence of any ethical violations—such as suspected fraud, unethical behaviour, financial accounting irregularities, improper sales practices, or issues with suppliers, services, or business partners—you can notify MetLife through the MetLife Ethics & Fraud HelpLine by clicking here.
These channels are exclusively for securely, independently, and anonymously reporting unethical behaviour and suspected fraud, 24/7. MetLife strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against individuals who raise concerns about suspected fraud or unethical behaviour. This protection is ensured under the Company’s Code of Business Ethics. 
All calls will be handled with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.